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The Benefits of DriveWorks – Unwittingly Described by DEVELOP3D

Yesterday, this month’s DEVELOP3D landed on my desk. Reading through the magazine as I do every month, I couldn’t help but notice that the Social Media article on page 40 (after our advert on page 13!) described perfectly the benefits and major purposes of DriveWorks.

Just read the extracts below and you’ll notice it’s very hard not to make the connection!

“Competition is relentlessly increasing and customers are more demanding; they want the latest innovations in their new products now.”

“It’s almost as if everyone wants their own unique product to suit their specific needs. And with global internet access, individuals can search with a wider net”

This part is so relevant to DriveWorks, it’s almost as if it was written for us: “All of this can provide manufacturers with huge commercial opportunities if only they can address the wide diversity of customer needs and build global products around them.”

“Manufacturers have previously published impressive claims, such as halving product development time and cost through continuous improvements to their development process” (e.g. using DriveWorks!)

“Manufacturers need to address global markets… they must capture the immense potential differences that exist globally”

The article also contains some impressive social media usage stats and some tools that can help you make the most of social media. You can read it in full in the July/August DEVELOP3D magazine.