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Back by Popular Demand – DriveWorks Pro Webinars

In November, we announced that DriveWorks Co-Founder and Vice President, Maria Sarkar, would be hosting a brand new webinar introducing DriveWorks Pro. During the webinars, Maria provided an overview of all of the DriveWorks Pro modules and also discussed how to set up projects within DriveWorks Administrator.

These sessions were very popular and due to high demand we will be running them again on Thursday 25th February and Thursday 3rd March.

These webinars are a must watch for both current users of DriveWorks and also people who are curious about what the software can do!

If you’re joining us for DriveWorks World, our DriveWorks Pro webinars are a great way to help you prepare for the event.

During the training you’ll learn a lot about DriveWorks Pro, what it does and how to use it – topics which are briefly covered in the First Look DriveWorks Pro webinar.

If you’ve selected the advanced training track, you’ll also take an in-depth look at certain functionalities available within DriveWorks. Even advanced users will benefit from these webinars as they are a great way to refresh your knowledge before joining us in Cheshire!

First Look DriveWorks Pro

In this two part webinar DriveWorks Co-Founder and Vice President, Maria Sarkar, presents a detailed overview of DriveWorks Pro. In this webinar, part 1, Maria will cover:
– What you can do with DriveWorks Pro
– How the software works
– The benefits that DriveWorks Pro can bring to your business
– An overview of each of the software modules that collectively make up DriveWorks Pro and how they interact and work together.

Although there are perceived risks and set up costs with any automation strategy, DriveWorks Pro reduces these by allowing you to adopt a phased approach and choose the business processes you wish to automate first, to a timetable that suits you.

DriveWorks Pro – Under The Hood

In this webinar, part 2, Maria shows in more detail how projects are set up in DriveWorks Administrator. To show you how this is achieved, Maria will be looking at:
– The DriveWorks Rule Builder
– The Form Designer
– Specification Flow

Maria will then show you how you can transform your existing design automation projects into online sales configurators with very little effort, so that your sales teams, distributors, dealers, and even customers can configure and view your products in 3D on any device.