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We’re Attending the Manchester Digital Skills Festival 2018

The Manchetser Digital Skills Festival is an annual, four-day event that includes a skills conference, the largest digital careers fair in the UK and opportunities for school children to learn digital skills in a practical setting.

Manchester has the ambition to become a leading digital city and in order to achieve this, we need a highly skilled digital workforce that is big enough to serve the needs of an ever-growing industry. We need a pipeline of talent that will leave school, college and university with industry standard, work ready, digital skillsets.

The annual Manchester Digital Skills Festival highlights and addresses the issues facing the sector as well as addressing them on a practical level by hosting the UK’s largest digital recruitment fair, offering tours of local digital businesses and opportunities for local school children to gain some hands on, practical experience.

The Skills Festival is a great chance to showcase the amazing digital businesses we have in the North West and show students that there are wonderful digital career opportunities on their doorstep!

Tuesday 13th February – Digital Skills Festival

The Digital Skills Conference, an afternoon event on the 13th, will feature talks by various industry leaders, including a futurist and a first look at the results of Manchester Digital’s annual Skills Audit report. There will also be workshops about salary, rewards, inclusivity and diversity. View the full agenda here.

Wednesday 14th February – Talent Day

The Talent Day is a must-visit for job seekers. More than 50 digital, creative and tech companies will be available for conversations about your future career in the industry. Seminars, workshops and panel discussions will give you an insight into various placement programmes and graduate initiatives across the region. Job seekers and attendees can book a free ticket here,

Jake and Bridie from the DriveWorks team will be attending. If you’ll be there, make sure you say hello and ask them about careers at DriveWorks!

Thursday 15th & Friday 16th February – Experience Days

These experience days are a fantastic chance for students to get practical skills in coding, website building, hacking and more.

The Digital Futures: Computing, Curriculum and Careers Event is aimed specifically at teachers and careers advisers at schools and colleges in Greater Manchester. The half-day event will feature inspirational speakers as well as very practical workshops in interactive digital innovation, ed tech and careers.

For more information or to book your ticket, visit: https://www.manchesterdigital.com/events/digital-skills-festival-2018