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Advanced DriveWorks API – Webinar – 5th December

The next webinar in the DriveWorks Webinar Marathon series is the “Advanced API Webinar” and will take place on 5th December at 4pm (GMT).

For most companies, DriveWorks Pro provides more than enough functionality for their needs.

However because  DriveWorks Pro has been built with a fully documented Application Programming Interface (API)  if a specific need arises that is not covered in the standard functionality, it is possible to create your own plugin to DriveWorks using Visual Studio or Visual Studio Express.

DriveWorks Pro customers with an Active Subscription Support contract can use the DriveWorks Software Development Kit (SDK) which will help you with the reference assemblies that you will need, the complete documentation, as well as some Visual Studio Project Templates.

This week’s webinar will look at how to use the DriveWorks API and SDK and more specifically the Shared Project Extenders functionality, Specification Events and SolidWorks Model Generation events.

You can register for our weekly webinars here

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